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Jon Niese has regressed to the mean; Where do Mets go from here?

Jon Niese‘s last two starts have been difficult to watch, but the results shouldn’t have surprised anyone. After a first month that seemed unsustainable, Niese has regressed to the mean.

Niese, who currently sports a 3.72 ERA, 1.49 WHIP, and 4.32 FIP, entered his start before last with a 1.95 ERA and a FIP that was nearly twice that. Coming into Tuesday night’s start, Niese’s ERA was 2.49. Here’s why Niese’s ‘hot’ start to 2015 was unsustainable…

  • Broken down by start, over his first six outings, Niese allowed nine base runners in five innings, 11 base runners in 6.