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Jacob deGrom working to get on same page with Wilson Ramos

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — Mickey Callaway isn’t dead set against his pitchers having a personal catcher, but he sees no reason why his ace needs one.

“There have been certain guys in the past that have had their own catcher and it’s worked out,’’ the Mets manager said Thursday. “Greg Maddux had a guy he threw to, but I just don’t see that situation here with the personnel and who we’ve got.’’

“Who they’ve got” is Wilson Ramos, signed in the offseason to be the regular backstop. And he made it clear after he caught deGrom’s three-inning outing in a 6-4 loss to Washington at the Ballpark of the Palm Beaches that he intends to catch plenty more of the right-hander’s starts.