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From Complex To Queens, Episode 86: Lessons to be learned from the winners

Welcome to From Complex to Queens, the podcast Amazin’ Avenue focusing on the Mets’ minor league system.

On the heels of Steve’s catastrophic computer problems last week, and ironically on the 32nd anniversary of the first malware released into the internet, the team ranks computer hackers in Promote, Extend, Trade.

After, Steve gives us an update on our adopted CPBL team, the Uni-President Lions, our adopted KBO team, the LG Twins, and our adopted NPB team, the Yakult Swallows.

Next, the team discusses some ABL roster news.

Finally, we answer an email and take a look at the strengths of the Tampa Bay Rays and the Los Angeles Dodgers and discuss the things we would like to see the Mets do in the future that both teams already do.