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Fielding and pitching are failing the Mets, as 2017 drifts on...

The last time the Mets were eight games under .500 was September, 2014.

Dillon Gee started for the Mets that day. Interestingly, he started against the Mets last night, when they again dipped to eight games below .500.

"We have issues we have to deal with," Terry Collins said in his final remark to reporters after Tuesday's demoralizing loss to the Rangers. "We've got to come up with an answer."

This is an understatement.

I'm not giving up on this season, because that's not how I roll as a fan. To me, baseball is a story with a beginning, middle and end, and - in the way I don't typically walk out on movies or TV shows at the end of the first act - I'm also not walking out on this season at the end of only the first act.