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This Week In Knicks History: Patrick Ewing becomes all-time Knicks scoring leader

There are many memorable moments sprinkled throughout the 15 seasons that Patrick Ewing roamed the hardwood for the New York Knicks, including 25 years ago this week when the big man broke the team’s all-time scoring record at Madison Square Garden during a 108-85 blowout of the Los Angeles Lakers.

For some reason there doesn’t seem to be any easily available video from the game that Ewing passed Walt “Clyde” Frazier to take his rightful seat as all-time Knicks scoring champion, which took place on December 16th, 1993. Ewing, 31-years-old at the time, had 27 points and 11 rebounds on the night, and his record setting basket was a 12-foot jumper with 9:39 to play in the third quarter, according to the game recap from the New York Times.