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The relationship between Arron Afflalo and Kurt Rambis has become kinda weird

The benching of Arron Afflalo -- a non-story if ever there was one -- has devolved into "he said/he said" sniping through the media and cryptic Instagram posts ... you know, your normal run-of-the-mill 21st-century stuff.

Following Monday's loss to the Pelicans, Afflalo made it clear that head coach Kurt Rambis never discussed it the demotion with him:

Strange situation regarding Afflalo's move to the bench. Rambis says he spoke to him about new role; Afflalo says no conversation took place

— Stefan Bondy (@SBondyNYDN) March 29, 2016

Then Afflalo took to Instagram as part of his PR tour:

Two years of just control what you can control right ?