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The Most Loved Knick Ever*: Elite Eight

After the second round of voting in the Most-Loved Knick Ever* tournament wrapped up, a split had taken shape: half the remaining eight Knicks all played together for five seasons in the franchise’s glorious Silver Age, the 1990s; the other four were scattered over 40 years, and some would pro’ly not have advanced this far if not for advantageous matchups. So as we vote for our final four, a change in the structure was in order.

Despite some Chicken Littles thinking I arranged the brackets to benefit my own personal faves — if that were true, I really failed Xavier McDaniel in round one — the truth is I wrote down a bunch of names on a list, going from the present to the past, and once that list was complete I paired the first name on the list with the 32nd, the second with the 31st, and so on.