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The eternal connection between Phife Dawg, New York hip-hop and the Knicks

R.I.P. Phife Dawg

"Money on my mind so never mind a trick. New York is the town and the team is the Knicks."

The hip-hop world lost a giant Wednesday morning. Phife Dawg -- a.k.a. Malik Taylor, a.k.a The Five Foot Assassin -- died at the tender age of 45. It's a dark day for fans of A Tribe Called Quest, fans of hip-hop, and anybody who has ever shouted the lines above with an overwhelming sense of pride.

When it comes to hip-hop -- or music in general, really -- I'm definitely one of those obnoxious "get off my lawn" type of middle-aged hipsters who rarely listen to anything made in the past 15 years.