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Preview of the Knicks’ week, Jan. 7-13

The New York Knicks (21-15) are undefeated in the OG Anunoby Era. Since the 3&D wing arrived via trade last weekend, New York has beaten two top teams (Timberwolves, 76ers), one middle-lower team (Bulls), and one cellar dweller (Wizards). We’ve seen plenty of evidence why last year’s steals champion was named to the 2022-23 All-Defensive team (second), and surprising effects have occurred since Anunoby’s arrival.

For one thing, everyone is playing better defense. That includes Julius Randle, who has been caught lollygagging at times. Is the renewed effort in protecting New York’s side of the court due to assignments being more clear, or that one player needs less help, or that laziness now would be embarrassing?