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NY Post: Inside look at how Leon Rose rebuilt the Knicks

From Yaron Weitzman (not a Knick beat guy, interestingly, so it’s almost a certainy that someone in the Knicks front office approached him to do a story on the Knicks. That’s not inherently a bad thing, of course, it’s just interesting):

Aller, Thibodeau and Wesley each boast different skills. Wesley’s the relationships guy. Aller’s all about asset management. Thibodeau can squeeze an NBA win out of D-III roster. Rose’s bet is that by combining their skill sets, by leveraging Wesley’s connections and Aller’s strategic thinking and Thibodeau’s willingness to sell his soul if it meant he’d win that night’s game, by creating a system of checks and balances and then having Rose filter it all before making a final call, this group can rebuild the Knicks.