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New York Knicks 91 – Philadelphia 76ers 117 – Game Recap

While watching this horrible game (and boy was I wrong about my gut feeling that we would win) I noticed one thing: the Wells Fargo sideline banners were displaying ads for Fallout 76.

I don’t know if you’re into videogames or not, so I’ll sum up briefly what the whole fuss is about. The Fallout franchise is set in a post-apocalyptic world, after a nuclear war exploded in October 2077 between USA and China. Until November 13th, 2018, it was a single player RPG experience where the Player Character did a lot of exploring, growing as both a war-mongering solo army and as a character, while traveling barren wastelands trying to salvage the most from half-rotten miscellaneous items and bringing on board from time to time miscast people.