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Know The Prospect: Cameron Payne

The greatest Murray State Racer never played a game in the NBA. In 1966 the Knicks selected Stew Johnson in the draft's first round, but Johnson went to the ABA and averaged 16 points a game over nine seasons, making Stew the original cookin' soupster. Honorable mention for Racer GOAT: Popeye Jones...but if Popeye Jones is ever the answer to GOAT, you're asking the wrong question. He ain't even the greatest Popeye.

This year, point guard Cameron Payne could eclipse Stew in the Racer pantheon. Initially Payne was likely landing late in the lottery, linked to Phoenix's mad dream of a roster made up entirely of point guards, then maybe mid-lottery to Sacramento, and now he has workouts scheduled with the Knicks and Lakers.