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Evan Fournier surprised but not shocked by Tom Thibodeau's move

GREENBURGH, N.Y. — It was just over three months earlier that Kemba Walker and Evan Fournier sat on a stage at Madison Square Garden, excitedly celebrating the official introduction of the two as the new pieces to continue the Knicks' rebuilding proj fdu.

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Xbmlfs boe Gpvsojfs ibe bmsfbez cffo mjnjufe jo uif gpvsui rvbsufs po nptu ojhiut boe xifo Lojdlt dpbdi Upn Uijcpefbv qvmmfe uif usjhhfs po uijt npwf 20 hbnft joup uif tfbtpo Gpvsojfs xbt tvsqsjtfe, cvu opu tipdlfe.