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Development or Nah? Checking in on the young Knicks: Part 1

What’s up, it’s Prez AKA Young Walt Clyde Phrases AKA Bootleg Shea Serrano Voice, here to check in on the younger Knickerboogers. At the end of the preseason I prognosticated about what we could expect in terms of skill development (and production!) during the 2019-20 season. Now that we are at the halfway point, it is time to hold my own hating ass accountable and review the footage and the stats.

Let me start by giving big shouts to Poster and Toaster extraordinaire Dallas Amico, Knicks/Draft Twitter stalwart Spencer Pearlman, and Knicks Film School’s Tom Piccolo for constantly sharing clips and shot charts from the young Knicks, making the production of this piece much easier for me.