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Charles Oakley, Walt Frazier and more help make miracles with CIBC

High above mid-town Manhattan CIBC, managing director Eric Price prepares for the most unique day of the year. Price’s office is filled with two things: brunch food and famous athletes.

This is CIBC Miracle Day.

Every year, athletes and celebrities come together to raise money for children’s charities. CIBC donates all the day’s commissions and fees.

The children are able to interact with some famous faces, while some traders can use a secret weapon to close the deal:

If I was a trader i’d want Walt Frazier booking all my trades. #tradingandpersuading @cibc #cibcmiracleday @elitesportsny

A post shared by Mike Vivalo (@teamvivalo) on Dec 19, 2019 at 9:04am PST

Walt “Clyde” Frazier, Charles Oakley and Johnny Damon were just three of the many recognizable New York sports athletes on hand.