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This New York Jet-turned-minister wants to be the city’s next mayor


Michel Faulkner Photo: Christopher Sadowski

The Republican who wants to be the next New York City mayor has worn out two pairs of Rockport Oxfords strolling door to door, tieless, in four boroughs, not including Manhattan, hoping to be taken seriously.

“You’re the New York Jet!” some star-struck potential voter inevitably gushes over Michel Faulkner, the football player-turned-Christian minister who wants to replace Mayor de Blasio as the city’s leader in next year’s election.

“I am a proud, black man,” Faulkner, 59, tells me. Standing 6 feet 3¹/u2082 inches tall in socks, he’s the rare guy who can nearly look our 6-foot-5 mayor in the eye.