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New York Jets Recent Moves Should Be Met With Enthusiasm, Not Depression

Related Topics: New York Jets, Al Toon, Rex Ryan

Here I am, a 34-year-old frustrated, warped fan of the New York Jets. There’s no need to go into details. As WFAN’s Joe Benigno would say, “Oh, the pain.”

From Bruce Coslet to Rex Ryan, Wayne Chrebet and Al Toon to Jerricho Cotchery, it’s been a bumpy ride. It’s why I’ve never had a problem with roasting the organization I’ve loved for nearly three decades.

The ineptness of Todd Bowles has been pointed out, the horrid culture within the Jets organization has been bantered about, and Mike Maccagnan’s subpar talent evaluation, as well as Woody Johnson’s totally ridiculous ownership principles, have been brought up entirely too much on this website to count.