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Bros to Pros: The N.F.L.’s Quinnen and Quincy Williams

Left, Perry Knotts/Associated Press; Jeff Zelevansky, via Getty Images

Quincy Williams would be the running back. Quinnen Williams, the younger but bigger brother, would be a defensive lineman.

Whenever the Wenonah High Dragons held a full-contact scrimmage at practice, it would usually turn into another Williams vs. Williams grudge match.

“Sometimes we’d forget that other people were on the field,” Quinnen, now a 21-year-old rookie defensive tackle for the Jets, said after a recent practice, laughing.

Quincy, 23, also made it to the N.F.L., as a rookie linebacker for the Jacksonville Jaguars. The Jets and Jaguars will face each other on Sunday in Jacksonville, Fla.