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5 Moves New York Jets Should Have Made This Offseason

Related Topics: New York Jets, Super Bowl, Rolodex

There's always more that a team could do in any given offseason to improve its chances of making it to a Super Bowl.

For the New York Jets in 2015, though, it's difficult to make such a claim. They've done nearly all they could, fired off nearly every bullet in their chamber, checked off nearly every box on the to-do list and contacted nearly everyone on their Rolodex.

No matter what phase of the offseason you look at, you'll find the Jets making aggressive—but calculated—strikes toward improving their roster.

But even after all the trades, all the free-agent signings, all the draft picks and everything in-between, the Jets could probably still find a few things they could have done differently in order to improve their team—even if only marginally.