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Weird Islanders: The Podcast! - Episode 15 - Felix Potvin (with guest John Muir aka @OlegKvasha)

Mike and Dan kick off a new season of Weird Islanders: The Podcast! with both a guest and a subject they’ve been looking forward to for a long time. Felix Potvin’s time with the Islanders lasted less than one calendar year. But the circumstances of his arrival and departure, not to mention his dreadful win-loss record, are endlessly fascinating.

Examining “The Cat,” is our friend John Muir, who you may have seen around Twitter under the handle of @OlegKvasha. We ask John just how he came about using that name, if he’s ever been mistaken for the man himself (Spoiler: yes, by some of Kvasha’s old Islanders teammates) and why Oleg means so much to him.