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Sorokin, Varlamov, Engvall, Mayfield Re-signed/Long Term

Lamoriello comments/NYI website. The New York Islanders have announced the following: -- Goalie Ilya Sorokin signed an eight-year contract extension that kicks in next season 8x8m. -- Defenseman Scott Mayfield signed a seven-year contract 7x3.5mil. -- Forward Pierre Engvall signed a seven-year contract 7x3,21 mil. -- Goalie Semyon Varlamov signed a four-year contract 4x2,75 mil. NYIFC Comments: That's almost everyone, forget outside scoring help or Debrincat, Tarasenko, they left themselves with no room to add scoring help. All the other teams were going dumpster diving for one year show-me deals, this team gave Varlamov four more years at his age, durability?