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New York Islanders: A mishandled fourth line helped doom the 2017-18 Islanders

Two years ago, the New York Islanders soared off into the 2015-16 postseason with the fourth-best penalty kill and 11th lowest goals-allowed in the NHL. The core of Nikolay Kulemin, Casey Cizikas and Cal Clutterbuck were largely responsible for a solid overall defensive effort (plus the then-emergence of Thomas Greiss).

Two-thirds of that core finished the 2017-18 season with strong regressions in their numbers, including roughly a 5 percent decrease in their Corsi-for and Fenwick-for possession metrics. Both Clutterbuck and Cizikas remained crucial components in the Isles penalty-kill, which finished 31st overall (the Isles also finished 31st overall in goals allowed).