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Islanders News: Fan confidence in the front office is still decently high

Well, we’ve got some reading to disperse today, but it’s heavy on the NHL’s website’s content and there’s not too much to report on locally. However, onward and upward.

But first, here’s Josh Bailey and his family enjoying yesterday afternoon’s Mets game.

  • The only thing going on around here technically doesn’t even involve a current Islander. Former Islanders goalie Robin Lehner, who won the Masterton Trophy this June for an elite season coming back from mental health and addiction struggles, had his engraving on that trophy botched... horribly, horribly botched. [LHH | Newsday]
  • Dom Luszczyszyn, who perhaps could’ve benefitted from a pen name, did his annual polling of the fanning public to see how confident fans were in the front office of their own team and that of the others in the league.