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Islanders help Operation Shower throw baby shower for military moms

ELMONT, N.Y. -- The New York Islanders helped throw a baby shower for military moms Wednesday.

Twenty-five families gathered at UBS Arena in Elmont for what's called Operation Shower.

The luncheon included baby gifts that will likely come in handy, including Islanders attire.

One first-time military mom who is stationed at Fort Dix in New Jersey says she's grateful for the gifts.

"It's extremely helpful. Whatever I receive, whether it's a rocker or whatnot, you know, it goes a long way," she said.

"We're really just looking at a way to meet the mom's needs and the family's needs with the items that they might need for the new babies, but also bring them together with other moms and families," said LeAnn Morrissey, with Operation Shower.