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Islanders Gameday News: Varlamov’s slow and steady progress

Soapbox warning: The reason Lighthouse Hockey has long made a flippant point of [generic bracketing] the corporate sponsor names for opponents’ Arenas, Gardens, and Centre/ers is they’re ephemeral and meaningless, changing over time as the foolish companies that gorge on naming rights go bankrupt or merge or get bought or change CMOs to Innovative Leaders who are determined to Initiate Cultural Change and/or invest their marketing dollars on some other pet interest with a non-zero but difficult-to-measure ROI.

I’m a news and history kind of guy, so it irritates me to my core when historic games that took place in a single unchanged building at a single unchanged address are referred to by three different names depending on what year and what company spent lavishly for that history-muddying right to entertain clients and put logos above exit signs and urinals.