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These 'Little Elis' are proof that Manning is running out of chances | Politi

Related Topics: Eli Manning, Elis, Super Bowl XLVI

Eli is getting old, and for his proud father, it happened way too fast. Wasn't it just yesterday that the kid was in diapers? Now he's a rising fifth grader who was away at sleep-away camp for his birthday. Time flies like a spiral through the cold Meadowlands air.

"He just turned 10 last week," Evan Glass said. "I told him, 'You were named after Eli Manning -- and now you're his number.'"

That's right. Glass is a huge Giants fan, and a few months after you-know-who led the Giants to their stunning Super Bowl victory over the undefeated Patriots, he decided to honor the game's MVP in the most personal and powerful way he could imagine.