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New York, New York's biggest rivalry week since 1988

Do I believe my 1988 stat is correct? Yes, or I would not have written it.Still, that is the kind of stat that often benefits from another set of eyes for a double check, in case there was a more recent incidence that I somehow missed.

If you remember the East Coast version of the Giants-Dodgers rivalry, well, congrats on reaching age 65 (at least)! And many happy returns.

For the rest of us, though, New York-area sports rivalries are a peculiar animal, one often lacking in pure hatred.

With the exception of sporadic Rangers-Islanders episodes - notably in the middle-to-late 1970s - pro teams' mutual dislike around here usually is limited by interstate geography or interleague/inter-conference separation or by one or both teams stinking at any given time.