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Luke Petitgout challenged wife’s beau before attack: witness

Ex-Giants offensive lineman Luke Petitgout called an angry audible after finding a stranger wooing his wife at a Midtown bar, a witness testified Tuesday.

John Constantinides, 43, who was meeting Jennifer Petitgout for the first time on June 5, 2014, was challenged by the hulking former Notre Dame star to “step outside to finish this,” said the victim’s pal Robert Marchini.

“John never threw a punch,” continued Marchini. “He was really only trying to protect himself. I was in between the two of them. I just wanted to make sure that they didn’t get together again.”

The 6-foot-6, 270-pound Petitgout is charged with attempted assault and harassment for attacking Constantinides and estranged wife Jennifer at the 48 Lounge in Midtown.