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How Odell Beckham pays the Giants back

Odell Beckham Jr. has already learned along the rocky adolescent road to manhood that there is a price to pay for fame, and the price only goes up, as high as he went up the night he made his one-handed catch for the ages, for fame and fortune.

This wasn’t the day to ponder the burgeoning reality of keeping his circle ever so small to stiff-arm the army of leeches and sycophants sure to invade his wide, wide world.

This was a day for introspection, for celebrating the triumph of a journey filled with physical, emotional and spiritual adversity and self-examination for the 13th Wonder of the NFL World, to let his smile dance to the song in his heart for him … and to acknowledge the mandate that accompanies the financial icons of the sports world:

Stand and deliver a championship to New York.