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Giants' second-year linebacker Niko Lalos at last will play in front of family

Related Topics: New York Giants, Niko Lalos

Niko Lalos at Giants training camp on Aug. 14, 2020. Credit: Swensen

BEREA, OHIO — As the Giants took the field for practice with the Browns on Friday and began the process of stretching and warming up, Niko Lalos received a tap on the shoulder. His family was in the VIP section of the stands, among the few dozen who had wrangled passes to view the workout.

"Nah," the second-year linebacker said. "You’ve got the wrong guy. They definitely would have told me to look out for them."

Lalos put the exchange out of his mind for the next two hours of drills and reps, focusing on his job of trying to make the team’s 53-man roster.