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CSC’s fantasy league recap: Week 7

I moved D’Ernest Johnson into the starting lineup 2 minutes before kickoff Thursday, there goes my one good decision per year


Instant Kamara-Nic Jennings: 83.84 (1-6)

The Falcons finally figured out that Kyle Pitts is pretty good, only took them five weeks which is actually pretty quick for them. Bye weeks hit Instant Kamara hard, as both starting WRs were off.

Team Dunnells-Chris Dunnells: 92.74 (5-2)


Team Ertle-Brenden Ertle: 69.98 (2-5)

Rough week for Team Ertle, as both WRs combined for just 34 yards and 4.9 points.

Team Two First Place-Brian Pavek: 122.