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New Orleans Pelicans David Griffin Gives Life Advice In Media Quotes

David Griffin, the Executive Vice President of the New Orleans Pelicans, is as well-established and well-respected as any front office figure in the league. He was instrumental in building some of the most memorable teams in the NBA in this millennium, from the Seven-Seconds-or-Less Suns to the Warriors-beating World Champion Cleveland Cavaliers.

He’s also the type of podcast/radio show guest that demands your full attention. The guy has a way with words that makes any listener, New Orleans Pelicans fan or not, feel excited.

It doesn’t matter how many times I hear David Griffin talk, I’m always ready to run through a brick wall afterwards

— Caroline Gonzalez (@carolinegonzo34) July 16, 2019

Listen long enough, and you’ll start to realize that what David Griffin is saying isn’t just basketball talk – it’s advice for dealing with just about anything in life.