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Why Ryan Fitzpatrick Is One Of Cam Newton’s ‘Favorite Players To Watch’

Cam Newton loves him some Fitzmagic.

Newton lauded the Miami Dolphins’ veteran quarterback during a video conference Thursday, saying he’s always admired Fitzpatrick’s style of play and overall “aura.”

“I’ve never really met him, but he’s one of my favorite players to watch outside of us playing him, if that makes sense,” Newton said. “His energy, man. I got an opportunity to watch him when he was in Tampa, and the Fitzmagic — it didn’t start there, I know him in his stint in Buffalo or whatever; I believe that’s where it kind of took off.

“But his energy, and anybody who has this kind of aura about themselves, it doesn’t matter if it’s swag, dorky, nerdy, quirky, I’m better than you — it doesn’t matter.