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Tom Brady's attorney: Deflategate was 'embarrassing, Roger Goodell had improper motivation in discipline

NEW YORK — For a good chunk of a 35-minute question-and-answer with three judges Thursday, Tom Brady's attorney, Jeffrey Kessler, was blitzed with questions about his client's cell phone.

It took a while for Kessler to arrive at his chief point: Brady was never actually asked to turn over his phone.

Kessler told the court, "So we go to the appeals hearing and Mr. Brady says, you know, this whole issue is meaningless. Why? Because here are all the emails. He now looked at the emails and produced them. There was nothing there. Nothing incriminating."

"Then he got to the text messages and he said -- and this is how this came out -- he said I don't have my phone and I'll explain why, but I went to my phone company and they produced who all the numbers were that (texts) were sent to, and guess what?