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The wide receiver market keeps outpacing the Patriots’ budget

Unless you’re one of those people with what’s called a “real career”, odds are when you’re out eating somewhere with your better half and see “market price” on the menu, your first thought isn’t “oooooooh YUM lemme get that”, it’s “I better ask what ‘market’ is before my dinner ends up costing the same as popping a bottle of Ace of Spades”.

And the wide receiver market this offseason has not exactly shaken out in favor of the defending Super Bowl champion New England Patriots this offseason, with seemingly everyone either signing for Bryce Harper money on almost-certainly-gonna-still-go-8-and-8 teams or getting themselves traded to (draws circle on a map) anywhere BUT the Patriots, there’s been precious little that Belichick’s been able to add in terms of offensive firepower.