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Pats Madness: What does the Pats Pulpit staff see as the best game of the Patriots dynasty?

For the last month, Pats Pulpit staff writer and podcaster Pat Lane served as the commissioner for a very special March Madness-style tournament: Pats Madness. The search for the best game of the New England Patriots’ still ongoing dynastic run is now down to two games — make sure to vote here! — as the team’s victories in Super Bowls 36 and 51 now square off against each other.

While you can let us know your opinion in the comment section, the staff of Pats Pulpit shares its thoughts on the matchup between the Patriots’ first and fifth championship victories right here:

As can be seen, the battle between the two title games is a close one when it comes to the Pats Pulpit crew, with 36 closely beating out 51.