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Patriots vs. Redskins: Fan Notes from the Preseason

Welcome back to the Fan Notes, everyone!

Yeah, it’s just the preseason, but that’s OK; I haven’t written one of these since February, so I need to get myself back into football shape. Luckily for me, my version of football shape is NOTHING like what any of the men on the field last night are seeking to achieve - but I believe it was Einstein who said, “everything is relative. So you go ahead and have another beer, Alec. You deserve it.”

As far as preseason Week Ones go, the contest between the Patriots and Redskins was about as preseasony and Week Oney as it gets - but there are still some things we can take away from last night’s game, and there were a few surprises, and disappointments, that led me to believe that things are about to get exciting around here over the next few weeks.