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Patriots hire Southwestern Mississippi's Cameron Achord to assistant coaching position

The New England Patriots' have seen plenty of turnover this offseason. Not only did core players like Nate Solder, Dion Lewis, Danny Amendola, and Malcolm Butler leave the team via free agency, the Patriots also saw two members of their coaching staff depart: Former defensive coordinator Matt Patricia is the new head coach of the Detroit Lions; special teams assistant Raymond Ventrone will coach the Indianapolis' kicking game units in 2018.

While the vacancy created by Patricia leaving will reportedly not be filled this season – linebackers coach Brian Flores will call signals but not get the defensive coordinator title –, Ventrone's former role is expected to go to an outside hire (per ESPN's Mike Reiss): The Patriots added Cameron Achord, interim head coach at Southwest Mississippi Community College, to their coaching staff as already confirmed by his former school.