Follow your favorite New England Patriots on Twitter!

We here at Chat Sports have done the heavy lifting for you, and give you (below) your favorite Patriots players Twitter names so you can track your favorite players every move.  Go to Twitter and “follow” these players twitter accounts yourself.  It’s very easy to do and fun to use! Here are a all the accounts you need to get started.  Or you can come to our Patriots page and follow all of them in one place plus all the latest rumors and breaking news!


Ben Jarvus Green : @TheLawFirmBJGE

Brandon Meriweather : @BMeriweather31

Bret Lockett : @BretLockett26

Darius Butler : @DariusButler28

Devin McCounrty : @McCourtyTwins

Gary Guyton : @GaryGuyton59

Julian Edelman : @Edelman11

Kyle Arrington : @Arrington27

Kyle Love : @KyleLove74

Leigh Bodden : @LeighBodden

Marcus Stroud : @marcusstroud99

Marlon Favorite : @bigfav504

Michael Matthews : @MikeMatthews88

Rob Gronkowski : @RobGronkowski

Sergio Brown : @38special_

Tony Carter : @tonycarter904

Vince Wilfork : @wilfork75

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