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Week in 1,000 Words: Reason behind Pack's attendance dip

Reno Gazette-Journal columnist Chris Murray has been known to be a bit wordy, so we're giving him 1,000 words (no more than that) to share his thoughts from the week that was in the world of sports.

* THE WOLF PACK FOOTBALL SEASON powers forward but the home schedule is over and attendance went in the wrong direction this year, falling from 23,862 fans per game in 2014 to 22,170 fans per game in 2015, a decrease of nearly 1,700. That’s a 7.1 percent decline, the sharpest fall in attendance since a 19 percent dip from 2010-11 (you’d think Nevada would have gotten a bounce from its historic 2010 season, but the department never built off the success of that season).