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We Need Your Help: Send Me Your Nebraska Inspired Recipes

We are in the search for some “Nebraska Inspired” recipes that my family will try and we will review. My wife is really excited for this (heavy sarcasm).

I hope my wife doesn’t leave me before the end of this series.

We are hoping for some creative “Nebraska Inspired” recipes. I will take on all comers except for the following:

  1. Steak recipes
  2. Boring Corn Recipes (looking at you corn casserole)
  3. Runza recipes
  4. Pizza recipes
  5. Chili recipes (I got sick the last time I had Chili and have yet to recover)
  6. Cinnamon Rolls (I’m not really into sweets, but maybe I can be convinced otherwise)

So let’s take a minute to explain what I mean by “Nebraska Inspired.