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Steven M. Sipple: Low-key Ruud batting 1.000 in an area that gets NU fans' rapt attention

"I've been dealing with recruiters for quite a while," says veteran York High football coach Glen Snodgrass, whose son Garrett Snodgrass was recruited to Nebraska by Ruud. "Sometimes Division I coaches try to big-time you a little bit. But with coach Ruud, he's just very humble and genuine. As a coach, when he sits down and talks to you, you don't feel like he's this big-time guy talking down to a little high school coach.

Let's be clear on a couple of things: There are plenty of used-car salesmen who you can trust. Thank heavens for that. As for Ruud, yes, he is strikingly unassuming for someone so accomplished in America's highest-profile sport.