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Roby stays on the floor while staying aggressive, just like Huskers hoped

Related Topics: Aggression, Fortnite

"He’s more athletic than me in basketball, just by a little bit," senior Tanner Borchardt joked Saturday night. "But if we were to stream some Fortnite videos I don’t think it would be competitive. I would dominate him."

The Huskers will gladly trade their junior forward losing some video games for his continued aggression on the basketball court.

Roby's 19-point, 16-rebound, five block performance against Northwestern was the product of the 6-foot-8, 230-pounder heeding the advice of his teammates and playing with more feistiness.

If that sounds familiar, it is. Often, it seems the piece missing from Roby's game was the willingness to go full throttle when the occasion called for it.