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Report: Courtney Smith's Lawyer Refutes That Protection Order With Ex-Husband is 'Mutual'

Courtney Smith's lawyer reportedly refutes that her domestic violence protection order reached with former Ohio State receivers coach Zach Smith is "mutual," as her ex-husband initially characterized it, according to Yahoo Sports' Pat Forde.

Julia Leveridge, Courtney Smith's attorney, said in a statement that Zach Smith's claim Tuesday that the protection is mutual was not true.

Courtney and Zach agreed to a three-year domestic violence protection order Tuesday. Zach Smith tweeted a statement that evening discussing why he and his ex-wife agreed to the order, which he called "mutual."

"I have made sure that we agreed to a Mutual Protection Order so that I am never in a situation to get falsely or wrongfully accused of anything in my life," he wrote.