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Purdue's gentle giant playing for sister who has epilepsy

When their son, Isaac, was a baby, Rachel and Danny Haas trekked two hours to an Atlanta-area Target, the only place that carried size 5T clothes with snaps. Isaac wasn't 5; he was barely a toddler. In fact he was still in diapers, but he had outgrown baby sizes, and his parents weren't interested in wrestling their big boy for every diaper change. They needed the snaps.

As their boy grew -- and grew and grew and grew -- Rachel and Danny soon realized that their Alabama home wasn't going to do. So just as the Howards did for Clifford the Big Red Dog, the Haas family retrofitted everything to suit Isaac: The doorways are 7-foot-5, the shower heads loiter somewhere near the ceiling, and Isaac slept in a king-sized bed .