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PSU's James Franklin Shows Support for Carl Nassib, Will Donate to Trevor Project

Carl Nassib's former college coach is standing with the defensive end following the Las Vegas Raider publicly coming out as gay Monday.

In a statement of support for Nassib, Penn State head coach James Franklin praised the one-time Nittany Lion for his strength, courage and generosity as the 28-year-old became the first active player in the NFL to announce he's gay.

Nassib's video announcement included the revelation that the NFL veteran donated $100,000 to The Trevor Project, which provides suicide prevention and crisis intervention for LGBTQ youth across the world.

The Trevor Project

Thank you, Carl Nassib, for living your truth and supporting our mission to end LGBTQ youth suicide ud83eudde1<br><br>You can learn more about our life-saving suicide prevention and crisis intervention work at: https://t.