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Lawsuits, secret tapes and the unraveling of a powerhouse high school football program

ASHBURN, Ga. -- Two weeks ago, Michael "Nub" Nelson climbed out of his Toyota Corolla in a parking lot off Interstate 75 and approached.

Nelson, the 65-year-old former executive director of the Valdosta Touchdown Club, smiled and said, "Hey, I'm Nub. Shake my nub!"

Nelson turned to a rather imposing assistant coach from a nearby high school who had followed him there in an SUV to ensure his safety.

"You good?" the man asked.

"Yeah, I'm good," Nelson replied.

Nelson knows he can't be too careful after he sparked a small-town tempest in the high school football hotbed of Valdosta, a city of more than 56,000 residents located about 15 miles north of the Florida state line and home to the 24-time state-champion Wildcats.