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Lawsuit Alleges Former Purdue Center Isaac Haas Knowingly Infected Woman With STD

A civil lawsuit was filed Tuesday alleging former Purdue center Isaac Haas of lying to a woman and giving her an incurable sexually transmitted disease, according to Ron Wilkins and Nathan Baird of the Journal & Courier.

Alyssa Chambers filed the $1 million suit in Tippecanoe Circuit Court in Indiana. Along with Haas, Purdue University and Madison Millsaps are named as defendants in the lawsuit.

Chambers filed a notice of civil tort with the lawsuit, and according to the Journal & Courier, it says Chambers and Haas engaged in a sexual encounter on May 15, 2017, and Chambers did not have sexual relations with anyone but Haas between then and June 7, 2017, when Chambers was diagnosed with herpes.