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Georgia Apologizes for Ludacris Deal, Which Cost $65,000 and a Box of Condoms

The Georgia Bulldogs were so desperate to get an entertainment act for their spring football game they were willing to provide just about anything to the performer.

Seriously. Peanut butter and jelly? Absolutely. Wine? Sure thing. Toiletries? Got it. Condoms? No problem.

According to the contract (h/t CBS Sports), Georgia agreed to pay Ludacris $65,000 for a 15-minute performance on April 16. Of course, as with many performers, the rapper had some provisions he wanted on top of the money.

Here's part of the list of things the Bulldogs agreed to provide Ludacris with during his stay in Athens, per the contract:

  • One loaf of whole grain bread, organic creamy peanut butter and organic grape or strawberry jelly.