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College football Bottom 10: Without Kansas, it's the point of no return

Inspirational thought of the week:

You're not in Kansas anymore
Can't be too careful that's for sure
City lights will lead you on
Morning comes and they'll be gone
So, write my number on your wall
And call me anytime at all
I'm so happy now, boy
You're not in Kansas anymore

-- "You're Not in Kansas Anymore" Jo Dee Messina

Here at Bottom 10 Headquarters, located in the safe where Mike Leach keeps the $10,000 per kid he offered for them to elope and none took it, we have spent this first week of October watching and rewatching "The Wizard of Oz" while simultaneously listening to "Dust in the Wind" and sniffing a sunflower while also gnawing on a barbecue rib.